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I Think I May Have Found Free Renewable Energy

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My head is so confused, I just don't know what to believe, I still just can't get my head around all this, I don't know what to believe, and yea some of the people who make these systems are also very smart and the people who don't believe in these systems are also smart too, but again I don't know what to do!!
You can't make free energy. So don't spend money or time on this that you aren't willing to lose.

Sure, have some fun and learn why it's not possible, but don't be fooled by the snake oil of the physics world. Ha
That Video is 2 years old @ajay123 and yet he hasn't been killed by the oil comapnies, nor has he had it stolen and nor has it been replicated and proven to be a real claim, just got a confused old man who probably doesn't get how the real world works... ajay123, you probably picked the worst or best place on the internet depending what you want to hear here in trying to show or produce evidence that these things exist, our industry relies on the laws of thermodynamics been correct and the fact they cannot be violated as much as you have been enticed by these vids you need to step back and tell yourself they are all fake or your going to end up like that old man in the vid', deluded and probably lonely and skint trying to make said machine. :gru:
My head is so confused, I just don't know what to believe, I still just can't get my head around all this, I don't know what to believe, and yea some of the people who make these systems are also very smart and the people who don't believe in these systems are also smart too, but again I don't know what to do!!

A lot of these people are smart and mainly in deception, many are not and deluded to the extent they don't see how the energy is distrubuted, how much power is used and how much load is present, take these like your initial example, using a small motor to run a larger inertia load up to speed and not realising you are not loading the gen' up and asking for its plated power rating so it can seem like your achieving a bigger return for your input but the minute you load the system then it all fails, look at the guy in the vid, the circular saw is running but has no load so requires a fraction of the power than it would need under normal usage but yet he claims the full rating of power been delivered, clearly a confused man with lack of understanding why he is wrong.
Yea I've watch that video before and I just watched it again, but that's system didn't actually use a proper source of power such as a motor.
No but it explains why energy isn't free.

All energy in the universe is reused infinitely. There isn't a source of energy that doesn't equally expel the same amount of energy.

What we try to find for green energy is a source that we can convert and use that isn't going to have a negative impact on something else. So wind, sun, wave etc - using those up doesn't change the qty the source has available.

When you're trying to create energy from nothing, you're showing you don't understand energy and nothing more.

Dig around a bit more and have a play by all means but don't spend money or miss picking the kids up from school for this kinda thing.
That Video is 2 years old @ajay123 and yet he hasn't been killed by the oil comapnies, nor has he had it stolen and nor has it been replicated and proven to be a real claim, just got a confused old man who probably doesn't get how the real world works... ajay123, you probably picked the worst or best place on the internet depending what you want to hear here in trying to show or produce evidence that these things exist, our industry relies on the laws of thermodynamics been correct and the fact they cannot be violated as much as you have been enticed by these vids you need to step back and tell yourself they are all fake or your going to end up like that old man in the vid', deluded and probably lonely and skint trying to make said machine. :gru:
Hi, I am starting to understand more, although i would like to just point out that he has also improved his device and he made a video just last year, when you type in on YouTube free power generator almost Everyone has the same system as Chas Chambell does or similar
Try thinking about it from a different perspective.
You can't have more than 100%.
Say I had a 1kg lump of metal, I could cut it exactly in half and give you 50% of it, there is no possible way I could give you 110% of it.
Same with a 100% efficient generator, put in xWatts of mechanical energy and get out xW of electrical energy, there is no way you can get (x+y)W. Where does the yWatts come from?
Hi, I am starting to understand more, although i would like to just point out that he has also improved his device and he made a video just last year, when you type in on YouTube free power generator almost Everyone has the same system as Chas Chambell does or similar
And yet we are all still pay for power and been milked by the energy suppliers, its a nice dream but you really need to wake up to reality in the fact that these are fake, just because you are told something and even shown claimed evidence to back it up does not mean its real, look at youtube, people make money by number of views and when you get into the big list you can make millions for doing nothing, Charlie bit my finger made the owners 100 000 for a family 57second clip, so you see if you can create a stir and get viewers even in the 10 to 100 of thousands then you can get returns on you vids, as wild or believable as these claims are, they are just not true.
A lot of these people are smart and mainly in deception, many are not and deluded to the extent they don't see how the energy is distrubuted, how much power is used and how much load is present, take these like your initial example, using a small motor to run a larger inertia load up to speed and not realising you are not loading the gen' up and asking for its plated power rating so it can seem like your achieving a bigger return for your input but the minute you load the system then it all fails, look at the guy in the vid, the circular saw is running but has no load so requires a fraction of the power than it would need under normal usage but yet he claims the full rating of power been delivered, clearly a confused man with lack of understanding why he is wrong.
Yea that's quite true about the circular saw not having a load and not requiring extra current, I am now actually feel like I'm been convinced now
Try thinking about it from a different perspective.
You can't have more than 100%.
Say I had a 1kg lump of metal, I could cut it exactly in half and give you 50% of it, there is no possible way I could give you 110% of it.
Same with a 100% efficient generator, put in xWatts of mechanical energy and get out xW of electrical energy, there is no way you can get (x+y)W. Where does the yWatts come from?
Yea it's just I thought that I could use a small proportion of the 3000 watts from the generator or 2500 watts if you include the energy losses, to power the motor which is just 180 watts which will only for example output 120 watts worth of machanical movement
Yea that's quite true about the circular saw not having a load and not requiring extra current, I am now actually feel like I'm been convinced now

You're not the first and by no doubt the last to be taken in by such things and its not really anything to do with intelligence, its just that you don't have the necessary insight into the section of physics that prevent these machines from ever working, I have had this conversation multiple times with many people from varied backgrounds and some were high achievers in their own field, when you are fed enough info' to belief something then its easy to start to jump on board and join the party, (thats how religion works), but at least you were upfront enough to ask the question and patient enough to consider our replies.... welcome back to reality, we may have just saved you years of wasted time and money :mdancing:
You're not the first and by no doubt the last to be taken in by such things and its not really anything to do with intelligence, its just that you don't have the necessary insight into the section of physics that prevent these machines from ever working, I have had this conversation multiple times with many people from varied backgrounds and some were high achievers in their own field, when you are fed enough info' to belief something then its easy to start to jump on board and join the party, (thats how religion works), but at least you were upfront enough to ask the question and patient enough to consider our replies.... welcome back to reality, we may have just saved you years of wasted time and money :mdancing:
You actually have saved me a lot of money, I actually thought of this concept of mine when I was very young and it's always been on the back of my mind for years, you have actually relived a weight off my head, also I don't want to start another rally but would it be a good idea by let's say putting an alternator or generator on each wheel on an electric car to help to charge the battery up on the go aswell as having a plug in charging port aswell?
You actually have saved me a lot of money, I actually thought of this concept of mine when I was very young and it's always been on the back of my mind for years, you have actually relived a weight off my head, also I don't want to start another rally but would it be a good idea by let's say putting an alternator or generator on each wheel on an electric car to help to charge the battery up on the go aswell as having a plug in charging port aswell?
That's been done. That's the KERS on f1 cars. They charge under breaking and they save the extra power and release it on the push of a button.

Do you guys think a science forum would be cool? I'm sure me alone would post as many threads in there as is in the pet forum we have.
Even the E F1 drivers have to change a car 1/2 way through the race instead of just tyres so that is definite proof that no energy is free - I think I'll go and sit in the sun. Good thread Ajay - NOW LEAVE IT!
You actually have saved me a lot of money, I actually thought of this concept of mine when I was very young and it's always been on the back of my mind for years, you have actually relived a weight off my head, also I don't want to start another rally but would it be a good idea by let's say putting an alternator or generator on each wheel on an electric car to help to charge the battery up on the go aswell as having a plug in charging port aswell?

You cannot change your design or concept to get around the laws of physics, it applies to all models and concepts, lets say to turn an electric wheel one revolution takes 10watts as an example, if you wish to use this momentum created on the wheel to charge the battery then in a perfect 'no losses' world you would have to generate 10watts with the wheel, as the wheel is already working against the weight of the car, the friction of the road and many other losses then no you cannot use the turning of the wheel to replace the energy you needed to turn it in the first place. The only way you can achieve some sort of return is to use gravity and let the wheels charge the battery when going downhill or by directly charging the battery by reclaiming the energy out of the wheels momentum when braking (reminded by Dans post below), this technology is already used and reducing the need to recharge the battery and also lengthens its duration when been used, but again this will only return more into your battery if your going down more hills than up, you still have to gain the height in the first place to use gravity to your advantage, you say you are getting convinced but then you ask a different question that is flawed by the same rules we have explained to you... you need to give up this idea altogether that you can somehow recharge or power the original source of your machine by using your machines output in a closed loop ..... without trying to lower the tone too much, its akin to eating your own stools to provide you body with the energy it needs to work, the useful energy has aready been extracted and cannot be used again as that would be free energy and a rather disgusting case of bad breath.
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The F1 cars use kinetic energy produced by the wheels moving (or braking) and use it to charge a battery. But they've already powered those wheels with a source of energy so it is spent already. They're just capturing some of it (or converting rather) to spend again.
without trying to lower the tone too much, its akin to eating your own stools to provide you body with the energy it needs to work, the useful energy has aready been extracted and cannot be used again as that would be free energy and a rather disgusting case of bad breath.

Too late - you've lowered it but rather charmingly!
@darkwood If that kind of thing floats your boat then you would enjoy the Matt Damon movie The Martian
Where is left on Mars by the rest of his crew and attempts to be the first person to grow his own food on a Planet where nothing grows, I quite enjoyed it as it goes.
Sorry for the derail of the thread, so as you chaps please carry on. :mamazed:

And no doubt I will be in trouble with Dan for mentioning a Movie in here when we have a dedicated Movie thread elsewhere on the forum, Me and @Louise have still got the bruises from when we put Doggy pics in the wrong thread last weekend :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:
@darkwood If that kind of thing floats your boat then you would enjoy the Matt Damon movie The Martian
Where is left on Mars by the rest of his crew and attempts to be the first person to grow his own food on a Planet where nothing grows, I quite enjoyed it as it goes.
Sorry for the derail of the thread, so as you chaps please carry on. :mamazed:

And no doubt I will be in trouble with Dan for mentioning a Movie in here when we have a dedicated Movie thread elsewhere on the forum, Me and @Louise have still got the bruises from when we put Doggy pics in the wrong thread last weekend :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:
That it a really good film that. I'll let that one go lol because the film gets 10/10 from me.
I would comment further but don't want to push my luck lol, but yeah really good film.
@darkwood If that kind of thing floats your boat then you would enjoy the Matt Damon movie The Martian
Where is left on Mars by the rest of his crew and attempts to be the first person to grow his own food on a Planet where nothing grows, I quite enjoyed it as it goes.

I see your angle but your using certain nitrates to feed the plants from said do do's, something our body didn't need, to grow the plants still requires external energy sources like sunlight and heat real or artificial so in that sense for you body to extract the energy from the food the plant has to grow using energy - energy cannot be destroyed or created, it can only be changed from one form to another.
You cannot change your design or concept to get around the laws of physics, it applies to all models and concepts, lets say to turn an electric wheel one revolution takes 10watts as an example, if you wish to use this momentum created on the wheel to charge the battery then in a perfect 'no losses' world you would have to generate 10watts with the wheel, as the wheel is already working against the weight of the car, the friction of the road and many other losses then no you cannot use the turning of the wheel to replace the energy you needed to turn it in the first place. The only way you can achieve some sort of return is to use gravity and let the wheels charge the battery when going downhill or by directly charging the battery by reclaiming the energy out of the wheels momentum when braking (reminded by Dans post below), this technology is already used and reducing the need to recharge the battery and also lengthens its duration when been used, but again this will only return more into your battery if your going down more hills than up, you still have to gain the height in the first place to use gravity to your advantage, you say you are getting convinced but then you ask a different question that is flawed by the same rules we have explained to you... you need to give up this idea altogether that you can somehow recharge or power the original source of your machine by using your machines output in a closed loop ..... without trying to lower the tone too much, its akin to eating your own stools to provide you body with the energy it needs to work, the useful energy has aready been extracted and cannot be used again as that would be free energy and a rather disgusting case of bad breath.
Oh I have been convinced it's just I was just wondering if u could just partly charge the batteries by using alternators or generators on each wheel, I know it won't fully charge the battery but it will help towards it.
Oh I have been convinced it's just I was just wondering if u could just partly charge the batteries by using alternators or generators on each wheel, I know it won't fully charge the battery but it will help towards it.

You can but while the wheel is doing its workload you will be only reducing its ability to do it which will have adverse effects in its available torque and/or speed, like was mentioned, its best to take the energy out of the wheel when there is more than you need like has been explained so either when you have gravity in your favour or your trying to slow down or stop.
You can but while the wheel is doing its workload you will be only reducing its ability to do it which will have adverse effects in its available torque and/or speed, like was mentioned, its best to take the energy out of the wheel when there is more than you need like has been explained so either when you have gravity in your favour or your trying to slow down or stop.
Ahh ok, well anyways thank you for your help and all, and to everyone else also, I really appreciate it, you can saved me time and money.

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